Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Don't get Fleeced

...out of your 2.95 in iTunes credit that buying this latest game would require.  "Fleeced! Shear Terror" is a new app for iPod Touch and iPhone with a fairly misleading title. Judging from the short preview clip below, the game is set on some sort of Incan Plateau (though it looks more like the temples at Teotihucan to me, but that's neither here nor there), and all you are really tasked with is trying to blow up your neighbor's llama pen, thus unleashing the (shear!) terror of an escaped llama. Please.

If they wanted to liven the game up a bit, it should really stick to the title, and be centered around trying to shear your llama or alpaca's wool, as you struggle to survive the frigid nights high up in the Andes. Your llama would kick, spit, and attempt to struggle free as you use some rusty clippers to get to the goods. For those unsuccessful gamers who are unable to extract the wool off the body of the animal, they will be inevitably forced to sacrifice the animal for its meat, resulting in a less than stellar score, but all the while salvaging some usefulness. Now that is an App.

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