Monday, January 18, 2010

MiLK a llama DAY

If you're an American, you may be celebrating MLK day today, or if you're like me, you have to work at a crappy job that doesn't give holidays (welkom to amerika). Some people call it milk day for brevity. Llamas like this (brevity and milk, they're simple creatures.) So in honor of freedom and thirst, we present this gift of practical knowledge to you: How to milk a llama.

Alek, a city slicker, had the good sense to ask the experts on yahoo answers, and got two responses.

You decide on the response that works for your own needs.

1. "you milk it just like a cow or a goat... nothing to it..."

2.  "It can be done, but it's a lot more difficult than milking a goat or a cow. The teats are far smaller and it's very difficult to get a good enough grip to be able to strip any milk out.
Your better bet is to try the "reverse syringe" method. This is from an alpaca website, but will work on llamas, as well: Alpacas are not easy to milk, as they produce milk little yet often. Milk can be expressed from the teats using a 10ml syringe with its top narrow neck cut-off. Put the wide end of the syringe (un-cut end) on the udder, and draw the plunger back. Decant it into a sterile container, out of kicking distance!"

So there you have it.  Go out and celebrate MiLK day by milking a llama, no matter if you're black or white, woo!

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